The Thirst To Write

I understand why you write. 

It’s the thirst. I have it, just like you. 

Picture yourself dragging your belly across the Gobi desert, fingers stretching and pulling your body inches toward hope, the hope of water. Your lips crack as you utter dry unfunny jokes that infect your mind. You just need to keep going; you can’t give in. You need to create the perfect page before you collapse again.

Writing is a lot like that.

One more word to fill one more sentence, to conclude one more paragraph, to complete one more piece of work. 

There must be nothing worse than lacking imagination. I have had my challenges with it too, I can’t live another way, than this, with this rubber-band of a burden, it can sometimes make you snap.

It freaks me out, just thinking about it. I guess I’m also sorry for those with the never-ending page surgery, the passionate scribers, waking up at 3 am with the insane idea that these two words, when rhymed together, will somehow cure your insomnia and quiet your head from its Armageddon, restless fists balled in the air, just longing for rest. 

I know, I know. 

We’re stranded on this desert together, thirsty.

We’ll get to that oasis, one day.


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  1. roughwighting

    Yes. Exactly! Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alexander87writer

      My pleasure. I hope you enjoyed. ☺️✌🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 231 – Writing v2 – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

    […] The Thirst to Write (an essay) […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alexander87writer

      Thank you ☺️ ✌🏻


  3. Marvellous Braimah

    This is sooo relatable!
    Thanks Alex!


  4. KK

    So inspiring!


  5. The Astro Tree – Complete Astrology.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. alexander87writer

      Thank you! 🙏🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Justin

    Alexx, your vivid portrayal of the writer’s journey is both compelling and relatable. You’ve captured the essence of the creative process with such raw honesty and poetic flair. The analogy of dragging oneself across a desert in search of water perfectly encapsulates the relentless pursuit of the perfect word, sentence, or idea. It’s a reminder of the passion and perseverance that writing demands.

    Your acknowledgment of the challenges, the fear of a lack of imagination, and the late-night wrestles with words speaks to the heart of every writer. It’s a beautiful affirmation that despite the struggles, we are in this together, sharing the same thirst that drives us forward.

    In your experience, what has been the most unexpected source of inspiration that helped you quench your thirst for writing when you felt most stranded in the desert of creativity?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. alexander87writer

      Wow! Such an amazing comment and question.

      My main unexpected source of inspiration has been from all the past child traumas, abuse – physical and mental, failing out of school, my parents leaving me and my brother committing suicide.

      I always looked at it as Pandora’s Box, just don’t look at the chaos. Writing has always been great therapy for me and my imagination is in intact with bandages and duct tape keeping me glued to the pages.

      Plus, I have kids now, I have to be able to show them if you have a gift, show it off. I must set examples for them, so most of what I write is for them, after I am gone, I will still be inked into history’s pages.

      Sorry for the delay, I’ve been writing.
      Thank you for the question, my thumbs hurt now. 🤭

      Thank you, Justin.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. roselynvandyk

        You know. When I read about your past is very sentimental. Deep down in your soul, you got hurt and in pain. It is just my suggestion for I have my own experience as well but not to that degree you had. Why don’t you write them like Joyce Meyers? She was being abused by her father and much abusive behavior, not being protected by her own mother because she was scared of that violent husband, for she is also being abused? Millions of women went into a traumatic past with their own relatives, siblings, fathers, and friends in their homes. You can search for her name in the Joyce Meyers Ministry. Why? She was open to let them know what she went through. She is preaching worldwide. Many women are healed due to their terrible past. She planted it to them as a seed and became a fruit that delivered and healed them emotionally and mentally.

        When you start writing about your bad experiences by unloading yourselves, that is in your soul. Maybe it becomes a testimony. We can’t relive the past, but we press and look forward to what is ahead and plant seeds for others.

        Your test becomes testimony, and your mess becomes a message. It will help people who have the same experiences or maybe worse than yours. We live in a crazy world. Most of my writing is about my childhood and my faith journey adventure. I wrote them down. I listen to a still, small voice and write them. When I re-read them for editing. I should say, did I write that? It teaches me that though this is the spiritual aspect of life it’s healing. It’s not for me but for other souls. Jesus Is Lord!Your tests can become a testimony, and your mess can become a message. Sharing your experiences can help people who may have gone through similar situations, or even worse. In today’s world, where things can be chaotic, most of my writing revolves around my childhood and spiritual journey. I write down what I hear from a still, small voice, and when I read it later for editing, I often wonder if I really wrote it. This process teaches me that writing is not just spiritual and healing for me, but also for other souls. I strongly believe that Jesus is Lord!

        Have you ever thought that your past experiences could be a testimony for someone else who is going through a tough time? Your mess can become a message for others who may be dealing with similar situations or even worse. We live in a world that can be overwhelming, but we have the power to turn our pain into something positive.

        For me, writing has been a powerful tool to heal and connect with others. I often write about my childhood and spiritual journey, and I believe that my words come from a still, small voice that guides me. When I read my writing later, I am surprised at the wisdom and insight that comes through.

        I write not just for myself, but for other souls who may need to hear my story. I believe that we are all connected, and by sharing our experiences, we can build a community of support and understanding. So, let us turn our mess into a message and share our stories with the world. And remember, Jesus is Lord!


    2. Habib Rana
  7. Narayan Kaudinya



  8. THARSHI Tharshi

    You are really inspiring!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. alexander87writer

      Wow! Thank you so much 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  9. pashion26

    I like that

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alexander87writer

      Thank you. Stop by again. ☺️


      1. pashion26

        I sure would stop by again love your post

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Sanjay Ranout



    1. alexander87writer

      Thank you, Sanjay.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sanjay Ranout



  11. Santri Baong



  12. Traveltoots Blog

    I cant think of anything more scary than being unable to write (exaggeration I know). I understand myself better when I write


  13. Nubela

    its strange because i hated writing i dont know how i found myself in blogging quite thinking but i like it so far maybe because i never really gave it an opporutnity.


  14. debdancingstarhawken7

    Read Big Magic. It will help. Forgotten the authors name but she wrote Eat Pray Love. Elizabeth Gilbert! Your descriptive style is succinct, some authors ramble on, you can create an image in one sentence.


  15. roselynvandyk

    My passion is also writing for Christian books

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alexander87writer

      That’s awesome. I will have to check them out. ☺️


      1. roselynvandyk

        I just read your blog. You can write, too.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. alexander87writer

        I’ve been known to jot things down, from time-to-time 🤭 Thank you. ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

      3. roselynvandyk

        good on you. I do like writing. I used to read Mills and Boons romantic novels. But at the moment I have divine assignment to do to reach one soul at a time to share the Gospel of grace.
        Start and scribble or jot down your interest. Your friend, Roselyn


  16. Mykenzie Waller

    I have the want to write, but my skill and abilities of writing hold me back. I struggle to find the right words and know if the readers will understand the point I am trying to get a crossed. I have to say I loved your writing in this post it was very descriptive!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alexander87writer

      I am sure you can write anything your heart and mind can conjure. If you ever need help, just reach out. ☺️


  17. Priti

    I always loved to write it is a medium of expressing ourselves! Good post well shared 👌

    Liked by 3 people

  18. Margot Amnesty

    One more to add to your résumé. Great stuff. Took the words right out of my mouth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alexander87writer

      Thank you ☺️


  19. pghjoseph

    Another great blog post, Alexander. You are one of the classiest bloggers here on WordPress.


  20. RasmaSandra

    Being an innovative and creative writer it seems I cannot make myself take even one day off from writing. Being an only child in the age of no technology made me develop an imagination that just does not quit. Along with that I have acquired another talent. Nights when I just cannot sleep I can think up an entire post to write up on my PC and when I do fall asleep and finally get up I can write that post from my mind word for word.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. alexander87writer

      I need your memory, mine has been lost at sea for some time now; hey, now you know you know what I want for my birthday. 🤭
      That’s a great process to have, the routine alone shows that you have the focus of John Wick and attack each page with the same passion to the work at hand.
      If I have even one day off, I think I will fall behind on the possible plan for the future.

      Thank you for letting me know how you write. It’s nice to see what others go through when they create their greatness. ☺️

      Liked by 2 people

  21. writerravenclaw

    I agree, writing can be a chore, and a blessing.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. bitsanddragons

    I wake up at 3 AM to write down a word or a sentence, but after that I go to sleep. And actually I like to do it 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. alexander87writer

      See, it’s the getting back to sleep I have always had a problem with. I’ll wake up, type something into my note app on my phone and then afterwards, I close my eyes and my brain is like “hEY gUyS! Wanna’ hangout and write some more?”
      And I can’t help myself, I have to reply back, then we have our back and forth, he upsets me by bringing up something from our pasts and I walk away in a huff of smoke and go write in tired anger.

      I have a weird relationship with my brain. 😊

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Jerry Hinn

        If I could suggest, make this a story for a blog post. Talk about the random eureka moments you get as a writer. For all the times you plan to sit in front of a keyboard and the only thing that moves are the hands of the clock, there are also these bolt upright evenings of sleepless intense creation.


  23. Archana

    Your words is inspiring for me!!!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. alexander87writer

      Good. I hope you create something so beautiful, you would want to keep it from the world’s gaze. 🙏🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  24. henhouselady

    You described the need to write perfectly.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. alexander87writer

      I’ve been castaway with this thought imbedded for years. 😊

      Thank you for stopping by. 🙏🏻

      Liked by 2 people

  25. John Payne

    Sometimes, the ideas come so thick and fast that it’s hard to put them down on paper fast enough. Sometimes, it is a burden, but compared to the anxiety all writers get at some point in their careers that they’ll never have a good idea ever again, I’ll take the burden every time.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. alexander87writer

      Same. I thought of it as a curse for so long, needed to numb it out but it is actually a blessing, I see that now.

      Thanks John. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. John Payne

        I had a stroke last year, and the anxiety that followed, well, made a complete mess of my life. I never thought I’d write or draw again. All those have now been replaced with lots of ideas for future projects, and I’m so grateful for that.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. alexander87writer

        I am glad you have found your place where you feel free to create for you. Brother, welcome.
        I’m proud you hand-slapped away that stroke too, you’re one tough dude. Keep going, John. 🙏🏻

        Liked by 1 person

      3. John Payne

        Thank you, brother 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  26. alexander87writer

    You & me are great at what we do. Just wanted to tell you that. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alinta_Brissie

      Thanks so much

      Liked by 1 person

      1. alexander87writer

        Hello, Alinta. 👋🏻 I mean it. 😊

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Alinta_Brissie

        Thanks – thats nice

        Liked by 1 person

      3. जनशक्ति खबर


        Liked by 1 person

      4. alexander87writer

        Hello there 👋🏻


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