I Met The Devil – Part II

Years passed, and the echoes of my agony dulled into a numb hum, a constant background to my existence. My family, the very people for whom I had sacrificed everything, continued their lives, seemingly unscarred by the horrors I endured. Their laughter, once a symphony of joy, now felt like mocking jeers in my ears.

I remained in the pit, a hollow shell, barely living. Time, indifferent and relentless, moved on. My body, broken and battered, slowly began to heal, though the scars, both visible and invisible, would never fade. I had nothing left to give, and yet, in my emptiness, I found a strange, bitter strength.

One night, as the moon cast a pale glow over my desolate grave, the Devil appeared once more. His eyes gleamed with that familiar, insidious light, but there was something different—a hint of respect, or perhaps curiosity.

“Well,” he drawled, his voice a silken caress, “you’ve survived longer than I anticipated. Why do you persist?”

I looked up at him, my eyes no longer filled with fear but with a cold resolve. “Because I made a promise. And despite everything, I intend to keep it.”

The Devil’s smirk faltered for a moment. He crouched down, meeting my gaze. “You are a curious creature, human. Love has brought you to the brink of oblivion, yet here you stand, unyielding. What do you hope to gain?”

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. “Not gain. I hope to understand. To find meaning in this suffering.”

The Devil laughed, a sound that reverberated through the darkness. “Meaning? There is no meaning in suffering, only pain.”

“Perhaps,” I whispered, “but pain can teach us. It can transform us. Maybe, just maybe, it can lead to something greater.”

He watched me for a moment longer, then stood, his expression thoughtful. “Very well, mortal. Your resilience intrigues me. I will release you from this torment, not out of pity, but out of respect for your unbroken spirit.”

With a wave of his hand, the ground beneath me began to shift. The walls of my prison crumbled, and a path opened up, leading me towards the light. I stood, my legs trembling, and began to walk.

As I emerged from the darkness, I was greeted by the sight of a world that had moved on without me. My family, my friends, everyone had continued their lives, blissfully unaware of my sacrifice. Bitterness threatened to consume me, but I pushed it aside.

I was free, but I was also changed. No longer the naive boy who had entered the Devil’s bargain, I was now a man forged in the crucible of suffering. I vowed to use my pain, not as a weapon of vengeance, but as a tool for understanding and compassion.

In the end, the Devil kept his word. My family was free, and so was I. But the true liberation came from within. I had faced the depths of despair and emerged, not whole, but stronger. And in that strength, I found a flicker of hope—a promise that even in the darkest of places, light can be found.

Hi, Alexx here. If you enjoyed this story, here is PART 1 (Click the Link!) ☺️✌️ Thank you.

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  1. Priscilla Bettis

    Good story, scary and ultimately uplifting.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. pk 🌎

    NICE post 💚💓💖

    Blessed and Happy afternoon 🌞 📁㊗️🎇

    Greetings 🧡🇪🇸


  3. shredbobted

    This is a very hopeful piece from you Alex! Love it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. alexander87writer

      Hi dude. 👋🏻

      I’m always hopeful, you know me 🤣 I’m always happy, with a huge smile. I just like writing about the fiery darkness which lives downstairs from us all. Thank you.

      How have you been? Been working on much? ☺️✌🏻

      Liked by 2 people

      1. shredbobted

        Always working on my fantasy quartet (The Moon is Too Bright) to See Many Stars. It’s on my site, I post a little more every day. Punk Publishing Forever!

        I lost my father in February, same way you lost your brother, although my father walked into the river. He was lost and hurting, and he’s in a better place now. We’re still sorting things out but creativity helps so much and I’m always glad to see you working! Keep it up my friend—you write, I’ll read. It’s how we pay one another.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. alexander87writer

        Ted, buddy, I’m sorry, that fucking blows, bro. I’m sure you’ll hold on to the happy memories, If any are shrouded in darkness, they will be drowned in time, I am sure.

        I’ve heard about Punk Publishing by a few writers I’ve bumped into.

        And can I say you are prolific—Wow! The amount you write, over short periods of time, overshadow my paced talent when I type. You—Stay awesome! I’ll keep reading buddy, always here for you, you know this. ☺️✌🏻

        Liked by 2 people

      3. shredbobted

        Thanks for all your support, Alex. As for the novels, I’ve been working on them for over a decade. I just wanted to put it out there, and I’m tired of traditional publishing, indie or Amazon or whatever. Thank you so much for reading. Here’s my thoughts on Punk Publishing if you’re interested!🕴😜🕴


  4. Sandi Staton

    I love this, Alex. I love your courage, strength, and wisdom. I love that through all your pain and suffering, you came out a winner! You learned to forgive. You learned to love in spite of the devil wanting you to hate, and perhaps, seek revenge. You are strong, a mighty warrior in the midst of pain and suffering! Hurray for you, Alex!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. pghjoseph

    Very nice blog post my friend. How do you like my blog, which is called “Brady’s ‘Ruff’ Life?”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Laura

    🔥 amazing work by you as usual!! Love it. Always looking forward to what you have on story next! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Laura

      *in store….lol 😆 I typed too fast, hah!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. alexander87writer

        Perhaps in store, one day lol 🤭 Thank you lovely, I hope you’re having a great day. I wish a smile for you. ☺️✌🏻

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Laura

        Yes, in store, it is! And thank you 😊 I hope you’re having a great day too!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I Met The Devil By Alexander Kennedy – Fiction – Site Title

    […] May 22, 2024 ~ Alexander Kennedy I Met The Devil – Part II […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alexander87writer

      Thank you! ☺️


  8. xrayz37

    I typed up a whole paragraph but I guess it disappeared when I had to log in to leave the comment. :((

    I’ll try to remember what I said and retype it.

    when I read this part of the story, I thought the person writing was a woman like me. A woman who had ended up marrying and having a family with a monster who would abuse me in every way possible.

    I thought this was a woman like me because the emotions and feelings were so similar especially when it came to feeling like I was alone in this world while everyone else lived blissfully unaware and lived their happy and fulfilling lives seemingly unaware that I was living in a literal Hell where I was made to feel utterly worthless and invalid. Useless, unwanted, purposeless etc yet had to still carry on and try to be a decent mother to our children. Children he could use as weapons to control me and use to hurt me with. Because of course, as a mother, I would do and tolerate anything to keep them safe. Feeling like I alone was left to deal with the permanent and painful scars from my abuser. Feelings like I was married to the devil and no one knew except he and I and he gleefully took full advantage of this and exploited this while he turned anyone and everyone around us into more weapons to use against me which is how and why abusers are able to isolate their victims.

    it wasn’t until I clicked on the link and read another part of the story that I realized the writer wasn’t an abused woman but still had words and sentences that completely described some of the feelings and experiences I myself have lived thru.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. xrayz37

    when I first started reading this part of the story, I thought this was a woman like me, who had married and had a family with an abuser and lived thru 2 decades of every type of abuse. The inner thoughts and emotions and feelings, especially the feelings of the world and everyone else living in their happy bubble and going on with life while I alone knew the horrors and the damage and the permanent scars and weight left for me to carry and deal with. I wasn’t aware this had nothing to do with that until I clicked the link and read a different part of the story and realized this was a man and not a woman like me who married an abuser.


  10. xrayz37

    when I first started reading this part of the story, I thought this was a woman like me, who had married and had a family with an abuser and lived thru 2 decades of every type of abuse. The inner thoughts and emotions and feelings, especially the feelings of the world and everyone else living in their happy bubble and going on with life while I alone knew the horrors and the damage and the permanent scars and weight left for me to carry and deal with. I wasn’t aware this had nothing to do with that until I clicked the link and read a different part of the story and realized this was a man and not a woman like me who married an abuser.


  11. alexander87writer

    I just finished this story. My readers really like PART 1 so I thought I would finish that chapter. I hope you enjoy. Stay beautiful and we’ll speak soon.

    Alexx ☺️✌🏻

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